Published: 2021-04-16


Formação do professor par o atendimento em ambiente hospitalar

Jucélia Linhares Granemann de Medeiros, Yara Fonseca de Oliveira e Silva


Educationl practices and Hospital Pedagogue

Araci Asinelli-Luz , Tatiane Delurdes de Lima-Berton, Michelle Popenga Geraim Monteiro


Special Education: Teacher training in mathematics in the context of hospital class in Goiás

Ricardo Antonio Gonçalves Teixeira, Ivone Garcia Barbosa, Uyara Soares Cavalcanti Teixeira


Teaching practices and the use of technology in the Semear Hospital Class

Paulo Adriano Schwingel , Emerson Marinho Pedrosa, Cristiane Rose de Lima Pedrosa


Social representations of hearing impaired students in youth and adult education

Marconde Ávila Bandeira, Rosiane Portilho, Irlanda Do Socorro de Oliveira Miléo


The board game of Basic Education: new Fundeb and the Public School

Thaís Conte Vargas, José Luís Bizelli, José Anderson Santos Cruz


School, integral education and Human Rights Education

Ana Maria Klein, Marina Scaramuzza Bressan, Paula Toledo Lara dos Santos


Brazil between the past and the future: what we have and what we want

Egeslaine de Nez, Odorico Ferreira Cardoso Neto, Warley Carlos de Souza


Learning assessments in integrated high school: document analysis and students’ perceptions

José Davison da Silva Júnior, Valquíria Farias Bezerra Barbosa, Maria Luana Lopes de Oliveira


Three views on narrative analysis in mathematics education research

Carla Regina Mariano da Silva, Kátia Guerchi Gonzales , Maria Eliza Furquim Pereira Nakamura


Research as a pedagogical principle in the context of PROEJA

Ana Sara Castaman, Lis Ângela De Bortoli, Angélica Tommasini


From the concept of education-orienting activity to the situations that prompt learning in researches about teaching and teacher formation

Flávia Dias de Souza, Claudiovane Parralego de Aguiar, Divanete Maria Bitdinger de Oliveira, Mariana Laís Batista
