ENSINO EM RE-VISTA is a scientific journal from the Graduation Program in Education from the College of Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), aimed at researchers, teachers and students in the Education area. It publishes articles that range from research results and original essays, book reviews and translations. It receives texts at any time of the year written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. It also publishes thematic dossiers, organized by researchers of subject areas, with articles from guest specialists, Brazilians and foreigners, covering up-to-date topics of interest and discussion from various areas of Education.

  • Qualis/Capes: A3
  • Knowledge area: Human Sciences - Education
  • Year of establishment: 1992
  • E-ISSN: 1983-1730 (electronic version)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.14393/ER
  • E-mail: ensinoemrevista@gmail.com
  • Unit: College of Education / Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) - Campus Santa Mônica, room 108. Uberlândia-MG/Brazil 
  • Funding: Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
  • Publisher: Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil




Vol. 31 (2024): Continuous Publishing

Published: 2024-02-15

Educação Estatística: pesquisas e perspectivas contemporâneas


Alexandre Sousa da Silva, Audy Salcedo, Keli Cristina Conti, Francisco Rodríguez Alveal


Construction and Interpretation of Statistical Tables and Graphs: An Examination of the Attitude of Teachers in Training.

Eliziane Rocha Castro, Marcilia Chagas Barreto, Francisco Jeovane do Nascimento, Gabriel Linhares de Sousa


Statistical literacy according to GAISE and BNCC: parities and contrasts

Letícia Rangel, Flávia Maria Pinto Ferreira Landim, André Monteiro Novaes, Maria Helena Monteiro Mendes Baccar


Opinion research as a methodology for teaching statistics ins basic education: NEPSO

Warley Machado Correia, Ana Rafaela Correia Ferreira, Rafaella Oliveira Almeida Mattos Moreira


Didactic proposal of binomial distribution for undergraduate students incorporating technology

Gabriela Cisternas, Jocelyn D. Pallauta, Alondra Stuardo-Aguayo, Macarena Elgueda


Active methodologies in Sociology classes in Secondary School: a systematic literature review

Maristela Santos Lopes, Natana Alvina Botezini, Daniela Garcez Wives, Alice Munz Fernandes


Digital culture in environmental education: exploring the STEAM methodology according to Gagné and Papert

Fábio Ventorim Siqueira, Daniel Moreira dos Santos, Carlos Roberto Pires Campos, Márcia Gonçalves de Oliveira


The perception of adolescents about school learning during the COVID-19 social isolation

Eliana Perez Gonçalves de Moura, Maria João Sousa Santos, Mari Elise Kirch Stein


A playful game for teaching Geography: the rivers of the Amazon

Felipe Arcanjo Leca, Marcela Vieira Pereira Mafra, Alan Kristian Nunes Machado, Murilo Bezerra Avelino


Pedagogic content knowledge in university teaching: discourse analysis of physics teachers

Marcelo Henrique Perrotta Barcellos Guimarães, Giselle Faur de Castro Catarino


Binarism and heteronormativity in demarcation of patterns and stigmas: an integrative review

Marcus Vinicius de Paula Pereira Junior , Maria Filomena Rodrigues Teixeira , Ana Alexandra Valente Rodrigues


Interdiscourse and the constitution of the teaching social identity of Child Education education teachers

Francisca Valcilene da Silva, Aleksandra Nogueira de Oliveira Fernandes, Ady Canário de Souza Estevão, Stenio de Brito Fernandes


Systematic literature review on the use of games in high school and higher education

Lívia Maria Fontolan Paduan da Silva, Ariela Oliveira Holanda, Paulo Antônio Cypriano Pereira


Mathematical learning: exploring the concept of function through games

Caroline dos Santos, Anemari Roesler Luersen Vieira Lopes, Ricardo Fajardo


Inclusion In Early Childhood Education: Teachers' Conceptions

Francyane Fagundes Cardoso, Josilaine Antunes Pereira, Vinicius Bertoncini Vicenzi


Interdisciplinary didactic workshops and co-teaching: analysis of a co-formative proposal from science teachers

Leíce Germana da Silva Barbosa, Thiago Araújo da Silveira, Francisca Suene Alcântara Siqueira


The English Language Vocabulary as a Proposal for Meaningful Learning in Elementary Education: A Case Study

Isabella Marcela Teixeira Laborda Mendes , Iandra Maria Weirich da Silva Coelho, Marta de Faria e Cunha Monteiro


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