Teaching the evaluation of school essays based on the lexicon





Lexical approach, Lexicon teaching, Portuguese language, Mother tongue, School essays evaluation


Research sponsored by UNESCO have shown that school essays written by Brazilian students present a high level of failures due to lexical inadequacy (ATORRESI et. al., 2010). Analysis of essays produced by students from the western region of the state of Paraná corroborated the results of UNESCO previous research. For a better understanding of this problem, results of a workshop of textual correction in 2014 with students and alumni of undergraduate course of teacher training on Languages of a public university in this region were investigated. The data showed that the lexical component was underreported by the participants, as several unsuitable lexical choices were not even perceived. Later analysis of the curriculum of the undergraduate course of Language Teaching training revealed that the lexical component was not taught as one of the criteria of textual correction. Having this in view, in the first semester of 2019, to students of the fourth year of the mentioned undergraduate course held in 2014, a didactic module based on the Lexical Approach was elaborated and applied in the subject of Lexicology of Portuguese Language. The results obtained by comparing the evaluations of two essays by the students of the subject show that, on average, the perception of both well-formed blocks (lexical combinations conventionalized by usage) and poorly formed blocks (unconventional lexical combinations) doubled at the end of the module. It means that the application of the didactic module was able to increase perception and evaluation of the use of chunks of words in student essays by the students that participated in the module.


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How to Cite

SEIDE, M. S. . Teaching the evaluation of school essays based on the lexicon. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 71–90, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/Lex9-v5n1a2019-4. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/GTLex/article/view/50774. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.