Internationalization at Home in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions
mapping a path
Internationalization at Home, Internationalization practices, Higher Education, Brazilian context, Qualitative researchAbstract
In this paper, we share some findings of a study in the scope of internationalization of Higher Education (HE), with a focus on internationalization at home (IaH). Our aim was to map internationalization at home practices of the Brazilian HE institutions participating in the research and to learn about participants’ perceptions with regard to both the general process internationalization and, especially, to IaH practices in the institutional environment. The 81 answers to the applied questionnaire evidenced IaH is conceived as alternative pathways, beyond physical mobility, considering the demands of the knowledge society, global citizenship and curricula. They also allowed for the identification of recurrent themes, namely: barriers and difficulties in the implementation of actions, besides the scarcity of funding and government resources; awareness of what can be done in terms of IaH, particularly in the favorable context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced institutions to think of different ways to internationalize without physical mobility; institutions in embryonic and incipient stages showing recognition of the importance of IaH; mentions of the relevance of an inclusive, Afrocentric, decolonial, multicultural, plurilingual perspective and for global citizenship. The participants pointed to the desire of promoting eleven different internationalization actions more currently than they actually do and added language-related actions as extremely relevant in the pathway towards internationalization.
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