Escrita e leitura
práticas docentes no contexto do ensino remoto
Teaching, Write, Read, Remote TeachingAbstract
Teaching-learning writing and reading requires knowledge and practice of theoretical and methodological aspects that present the Portuguese language teacher with possible paths for working with the language/language in the classroom. At this core, this article starts from reflections on the teaching of writing and reading in the light of authors such as Antunes (2003), Oliveira (2010), Volóchinov (2019), among others, who also supported the realization of a successful experience developed in the Portuguese language subject, with students in the final years of elementary school in line with the postulates of the Common National Curriculum Base – BNCC – (BRASIL, 2017) in the context of remote education, adopted by schools as a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Thus, we realize the need to intensify the methodologies of teaching writing and reading, especially in the context of non-classroom classes. Therefore, we hope that this discussion and the experience shared in this work will sharpen studies on Portuguese language teaching in basic education and provide reflections on possible methodologies for the approach of writing and reading, as they are relevant language practices in the context of face-to-face and remote teaching.
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