A alfabetização de estudantes Surdos através da Libras
Literacy, Deaf Students, Libras, Sign Language, PortugueseAbstract
In this article, we discuss the literacy processes of Deaf students who are users of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The analyses are part of a study conducted in a school within the Municipal Public Education of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil. The school has been enrolling a significant number of Deaf students in the literacy stage and has bilingual teachers, Libras and Portuguese users, as well as Libras interpreter translators. The study aimed to comprehend how literacy processes aimed at Deaf students have been established, primarily examining which pedagogical practices have been used for teaching reading and writing and how student participation occurred. The results focus on how the school has organised itself to support Deaf students, how reading and text interpretation were conducted in Portuguese language classes, and how written production in Portuguese was carried out by Deaf students.
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