Dama de Paus, by Eliana Cardoso
Intermedial Processes in the Transition from eBook to Book
Kindle Storytelling Award, Ebook, Book, Midiality, Mediality, IntermedialityAbstract
This article aims to analyze the transition from eBook to book based on the theoretical assumptions of Intermediality defined by Lars Elleström (2021 [2020]). To this end, we analyze the eBook that won the third edition of the Kindle Storytelling Award, the novel Dama de Paus (2018; 2019), by Eliana Cardoso, and its book version published by Nova Fronteira. We start by commenting the Kindle Storytelling Awards and the paradigmatic change it brings in the relationship between the book and eBook. Then, we establish some definitions of what, for Elleström (2021 [2020]), is a media, its classifications and modalities before describing the possible intermedial relations from a synchronic perspective and a diachronic perspective. After the analysis, we understand that this process of re-mediation from the eBook to the printed book through the Kindle Storytelling Awards can be understood as both a technical and a semiotic transmediation because of the different levels of transformations in the elements that make up the book.
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