The polysemy of Portuguese 'gema' (gem; egg yolk; bud) in diachrony




Etimologia, Semântica Lexical, Substantivo


The Portuguese noun “gema” has many, apparently non-related meanings; the three most common are: ‘egg yolk’; ‘bud, shoot’; and ‘precious stone, gem’. In this text, based mainly on lexicographical works, we seek to identify which meanings are diachronically older and which are derived from others. We were able to identify that the meaning ‘bud’ is probably the original one, from which the meaning of ‘precious stone’ derives, both being present in Latin; and the meaning ‘egg yolk’ is probably a Spanish innovation, which then passed into Portuguese. The two hypotheses to explain it are: 1) the egg yolk is its most precious part, just like the stone; 2) the egg yolk is capable of generating a new being, just like the bud of a plant.


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Author Biography

Bruno Oliveira Maroneze, UFGD

Doutor em Filologia e Língua Portuguesa pela USP. Professor da Faculdade de Comunicação, Artes e Letras da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados.


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How to Cite

MARONEZE, B. O. The polysemy of Portuguese ’gema’ (gem; egg yolk; bud) in diachrony. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 8, p. e0802, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/Lex-v8a2022/23-2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


