Angolan games as a pedagogical tool for teaching mathematics: a study from the perspective of the Ethnomathematics Program




Angolan games, Mathematics Teaching, Ethnomathematics Program.


This article is an section of the master's thesis of the second author, together with the Master's Program in Educational Sciences of Lueji N ́Konde University (Angola), developed in partnership with the Graduate Program in Education of FEUSP. Its proposal is to present the first results of the research that aimed to raise/understand the conception of future teachers of the Primary Magisterium School November 11, Chitato in Angola, about angolan games and games, as a didactic tool in the process of teaching and learning in mathematics. From a qualitative approach, having as theoretical contribution the dimensions of daily and educational of the Ethnomathematics Program and theorists who defend games and games in the teaching of mathematics, a questionnaire was applied to future teachers (who will teach mathematics) of the 4th year of the institution. The first results presented two Angolan games, which, in the conception of future teachers who will teach mathematics, can and should be used in the teaching of mathematics.


Author Biography

  • Cristiane Coppe, Federal University of Uberlândia

    Associate Professor III at the Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences of Pontal, Federal University of Uberlândia and the Graduate Program in Science and Mathematics Teaching at UFU. Director of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education - SBEM / Minas Gerais Regional. Director of the Directorate of Afroracial Studies and Research at the Federal University of Uberlândia - DIEPAFRO / UFUMember of the Group for Studies and Research in Ethnomathematics - GEPEm / FE-USP. Accredited teacher in the Graduate Program in Education at FE-USP. She coordinated the multidisciplinary sub-project Mathematics / Physics of Pontal of PIBID / UFU. She served as a member of the team of the International Degree Program-PLI, with the University of Coimbra. She acted as coordinator of the GT5- History of Mathematics and culture of the Brazilian Society of Mathematical Education (SBEM) in the 2014-2016 and 2016/2018 trienniums. She has a post-doctorate in Education from the University of Lisbon and a post-doctorate in the Program of the Department of Methodology of Teaching and Comparative Education of FE-USP. She was coordinator of the sub-project Mathematics-Pontal of PIBID / UFU (2016-2018). She has a degree in Mathematics from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1996), a master's degree in Mathematics Education from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2001) and a doctorate in Education from the University of São Paulo (2007). In the extension area, she developed several projects, having been coordinator of the Ethnic-Racial Relations Area of ​​the National Network for the Training of Teachers of Basic Education-MEC; she participated as a trainer for the A Cor da Cultura III Project (2013-2014) promoted by the Roberto Marinho Foundation, TV Futura, SEPPIR, MEC and Petrobrás. She served as vice-coordinator of the Initial Training course in African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture promoted by NEAB / UFU in partnership with PROGRAD / UFU, teaching the module on Ethnomathematics. From a cultural perspective, in the field of research, it investigates the importance of inserting African, Afro-Brazilian and indigenous history and culture in the mathematics curriculum, through the implementation of Laws 10638/03 and 11645/08 and the possibilities of breaking with the scientific racism that is established in Eurocentric ideas. She also collaborated, as professor of the Specialization Course in Inclusion of diversity in the school space promoted by the Federal University of Uberlândia in 2018. (Source: Lattes Curriculum).


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Articles - Mathematics Education

How to Cite

CRISTIANE COPPE; MONTEIRO, Domingos Mateus Mandavela. Angolan games as a pedagogical tool for teaching mathematics: a study from the perspective of the Ethnomathematics Program. BRAZILIAN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, v. 2, n. 3, p. 7–20, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/BEJOM-v2-n3-2021-58089. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.

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