Angolan games as a pedagogical tool for teaching mathematics: a study from the perspective of the Ethnomathematics Program
Angolan games, Mathematics Teaching, Ethnomathematics Program.Abstract
This article is an section of the master's thesis of the second author, together with the Master's Program in Educational Sciences of Lueji N ́Konde University (Angola), developed in partnership with the Graduate Program in Education of FEUSP. Its proposal is to present the first results of the research that aimed to raise/understand the conception of future teachers of the Primary Magisterium School November 11, Chitato in Angola, about angolan games and games, as a didactic tool in the process of teaching and learning in mathematics. From a qualitative approach, having as theoretical contribution the dimensions of daily and educational of the Ethnomathematics Program and theorists who defend games and games in the teaching of mathematics, a questionnaire was applied to future teachers (who will teach mathematics) of the 4th year of the institution. The first results presented two Angolan games, which, in the conception of future teachers who will teach mathematics, can and should be used in the teaching of mathematics.
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