Cultural values integrating form and meaning in the enunciative relations between child-other in the act of language acquisition


  • Isadora Laguna Soares Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Language Acquisition, Enunciation, Culture


With the dialogue between the field of enunciative studies by Émile Benveniste and of the first language acquisition as a starting point, especially through the displacements by Silva (2009a) – who conceives acquisition as an enunciative act –, this article aims to think of how children inscribe the cultural values present in the forms actualized in their discourse. If culture is imprinted on the language, as Benveniste says, it manifests itself in the discourse in all units actualized in discourse – including in those levels below the sentence, such as morphemes. Therefore, this study seeks to verify how children imprint the culture that is shared with others in their discourse in these smaller units. In order to do that, we use linguistic facts published by Silva (2009a), analyzed from the enunciative perspective of language.


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How to Cite

SOARES, I. L. Cultural values integrating form and meaning in the enunciative relations between child-other in the act of language acquisition. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 11, n. 4, p. 1294–1309, 2017. DOI: 10.14393/DL31-v11n4a2017-10. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.