Analysis of technological empowerment by the PIBID
Teacher Training, PIBID, Public Policy for EducationAbstract
In this paper, we seek to understand how the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID) has become an important tool to technologically empower the training of future teachers. Initially, we present some public policies, among them the PIBID, that reduced the distance between what we teach in Higher Education at the Universities and Institutes, with what we found in the Basic Education of our Brazilian public schools, and, soon after, we show numbers about the expansion of this specific program. The use of technological tools within the classroom becomes more frequent with the development of the technology itself. We believe that this insertion in the school context is not only inevitable but also necessary. The fact is that structural and formative problems are evident in schools and universities. Given that there are numerous structural and formative problems in schools and universities, this paper is based on a doctoral and master’s degree study that dealt with PIBID’s macro and micro scenario for working with the use of digital information and communication technologies in mathematical sub projects throughout Brazil. We could verify that, in almost 10 years of the program’s performance, there was a growing maturity in the comprehension of the school’s daily life, mainly due to the importance attributed to the collective work and the dialogue with different thoughts, resulting in a systematic reflection on the pedagogical practices.
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