O Letramento Digital e a docência
da aplicação de recursos à convergência cultural
digital literacy, teacher training, languages and technology, BNCC, cultural convergenceAbstract
In this article, we intend to reflect on the traditional conceptions of digital literacy, often marked by the tooling view of the skills and competences necessary for the use of digital technological resources. Based on the studies of Jenkins (2006), Martin (2008), Han (2018) and Antunes (2020), we propose to problematize the concept in the scope of teaching and its socio-political implications for teaching. In order to do this, we describe and categorize four conceptions, which are present in academic studies; in official curricula guidelines, such as the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC); in teacher training courses and at national events involving Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT). To present the categories we propose, we have chosen, as a corpus of analysis, 1. the Digital Culture module of the Formative Itinerary of the Innovation Center for Brazilian Education (CIEB) and its three units - Digital literacy, Science and research in the digital age, Digital citizenship and digital ethics; 2. the digital competence self-assessment form for teachers, answered by over sixty thousand teachers; and 3. the BNCC. Based on our research, we have seen that digital literacy is required in and for teaching and it can be understood as a technique for creating digital resources; as application of resources in teaching practice; as responsible and active participation in curating digital content; and as cultural convergence that integrates and engages subjects in social transformation. Each of these understandings directly impact the teaching work and its didactic practice in the classroom.
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