Emerging identities of Portuguese Language teachers
a critical discursive analysis
Teacher identity, Critical Discourse Analysis, Deontic Modality, EvaluationAbstract
This article aims to investigate the discursive constitution of the identity of emerging identities of mother tongue teachers in São Luís – MA, through analyses of Supervised Internship Reports. The research is situated in the field of Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Chouliaraki and Fairclough (1999), and Fairclough (2001, 2003, 2019), which understand the ways of being in the world from a perspective that blends linguistic and social elements. The research corpus consists of six (6) reports, each containing two (2) excerpts. For the critical-discursive analyses, Fairclough's (2003) identificational meaning and the analytical categories of modality and evaluation were emphasized, addressing forms of identification in styles. Therefore, this study is methodologically characterized as descriptive in its objectives, documentary in its technical procedures, and qualitative interpretivist in its approach. The results indicate that the identities of future teachers are deontically modalized as "needing to be dynamic and master the content," and epistemically "shaping up as a boring and decontextualized practice," which is crossed by degrees of subjectivation and polarization. Furthermore, evaluations display explicit identity markers "teaching is difficult" and implicit markers" it is not good to be traditional." Mental process verbs such as "to fear" imply a value judgment, indicating that being an “authoritarian” teacher is undesirable. Thus, modality and evaluation are inextricable phenomena in identity research and can contribute to understanding initial training and the future of teaching in Language Studies.
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