Literary onomastics

the characters’ names of the novel Lucíola by José de Alencar




Literary Anthroponomastics, Lucíola, Names, Romanticism


The present study shows an analysis of the main characters’ names in the urban novel Lucíola, by José de Alencar, published in 1862, pertaining to the second generation of Brazilian Romanticism. The research was supported by Onomastics, more specifically by Anthroponomastics, an area of Onomastics which studies personal names. The purpose of this paper is to verify if the characters’ names were chosen randomly or if they were chosen according to their etymological meaning. For this purpose, some theorical concepts in the area of Onomastics are discussed, as well as its branches, in order to discuss matters such as the emergence of proper names, the transformations they have been suffering over time and existing relations between the name origin and its meaning. Furthermore, a brief contextualization about Brazilian Romanticism and the novel plot is presented.  The analysis of the names has as its basis the comparation between the characters’ physical and behavior characteristics, revealed by excerpts found in the novel, and etymological and symbolical definitions found in names dictionaries. With this research, it was possible to note that there is a relation between the characters’ names and their characteristics, which shows that José de Alencar did not choose the names randomly, but according to their etymology and/or their meaning.


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How to Cite

PEDRASSANI, J. S.; ECKERT, K.; RÖHRIG, M. Literary onomastics: the characters’ names of the novel Lucíola by José de Alencar. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 3, n. 2, p. 294–312, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/Lex6-v3n2a2018-4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.