The second death of Juan Larrea
Testimony through fiction in La Montagne Blanche, by Jorge Semprún
Jorge Semprún, Literature of Testimony, Memory, History, Concentration CampsAbstract
This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the real and the fictional and memory and forgetting in the novel La Montagne Blanche, by Jorge Semprún. It starts with a brief introduction on testimonial literature and how the works of the Spanish writer fit in this genre; accordingly, it discusses in greater detail its characteristics and its profound relationship with the concepts of reality and memory. The results describe the complex and multifaceted interactions between the real and the fictional and the conflict between memory and forgetting that permeates the novel. This study was based on bibliographical research, with the reading of the novel in question and the theoretical framework needed for analysis. It concludes that the merger of real and fictional in the novel comes from the need to ascribe verisimilitude to the narrative as testimony of a lager survivor.
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