Distorted polygamy
Symbolic violence and emotional tragedy in Paulina Chiziane's Niketche
Niketche, Paulina Chiziane, Symbolic violence, Emotions, Post-colonial unconsciousnessAbstract
This paper aims to analyze some aspects of Paulina Chiziane's novel Niketche in the light of the symbolic violence as proposed by Pierre Bourdieu in Masculine Domination. It points out how this literary work corroborates the French sociologist's understanding, according to which women (unconsciously) perpetuate the cultural codex created to subdue them. We intend to explore how this body of ideas operates in the emotional and sexual experience of the protagonist, whose subjectivity is informed both by the Judeo-Christian doctrine of her European colonizer and by archaic elements of the Mozambican autochthonous tradition.
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