Language policies and internationalization
plurilingual perspectives in teaching, research, outreach and innovation
Internationalization, Foreign language, Federal Institute, Plurilingualism, Language teachingAbstract
Within the scope of Federal Institutes, internationalization has increasingly gained space in debates and generated demand for policies and programs focused on this topic to be developed, implemented, and evaluated. Inherent in this entire process is the need to promote and strengthen the teaching of foreign languages as one of its main enabling instruments. The basic assumption of this work is that it must be carried out from a plurilingual approach in the educational context, to accommodate, welcome, and value multiculturalism – whose basic expression is language. In this scenario, the present work proposes to present a contextualization of the vision of internationalization and its relationship with language teaching being developed in three institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (RFEPCT): the IFPR campus Colombo, the IFF campus Bom Jesus do Itabapoana, and the IFPA campus Castanhal. Although not exhaustive, the analysis of these specific and illustrative cases allows the reader to reflect on how a common thread can be (and is being) applied pragmatically under the most diverse conditions. They illustrate how the pillars that express the mission of the Federal Institutes – teaching, research, outreach, and innovation – are essential tools for promoting language teaching within a comprehensive strategy for the internationalization of education.
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