Study on specialized language occupation contexts

the denominations of the Jet-Wash Operation




Denominations, Socioterminology, Terminological Variation, Terminology


This work aims to present some results of a research in progress about the close relationship between language and work, in the scope of Lexicon Sciences and the theoretical postulates of Terminology. We selected the outbreaks of Jet-Wash Operation carried out by the Federal Police, from 2014 to 2019, from the 1st to the 70th operational phase of deployment. The results answer the questions about how the professional language is constituted in this community of specialists, how the denominations and the profile of the terminology found were configured. In this first stage of the research, we compose a study corpus with 140 texts, of which, 70 official texts extracted from the Federal Public Ministry website contain official information. The other seventy texts, news published in the mainstream press, were used as a corpus of exclusion. With the help of TermoStat and Adobe tools, we captured the candidates for terms, we analyzed 114 from the point of view of form, function and origin, lexical, semantic aspects, variation and cultural aspects. The analyzes indicated variation of denominations in equal forms of identical meanings; equal forms from foreign languages; forms that designate cultural areas; equal ways that vulgarize language with specific content in occupational contexts; forms that socialize specialized language, colloquial language, among others. The present study is based on Socioterminology (GAUDIN, 1993), Communicative Theory of Terminology (TCT) (CABRÉ, 1992/1998) and Terminological Variation (FAULSTICH, 1995).


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Author Biography

Glória de Fátima Pinotti de Assumpção, UNESP

Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos pela UNESP/FCLAr.


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How to Cite

ASSUMPÇÃO, G. de F. P. de. Study on specialized language occupation contexts: the denominations of the Jet-Wash Operation. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 8, p. e0803, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/Lex-v8a2022/23-3. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


