Initial reflections on the designative terminology of the area and subareas of Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages

an exploratory study




Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages, Terminology, Corpus Linguistics, Designative terminology, Terminological diversity and variation


This paper aims to draw initial reflections on the designative terminology of the area and potential subareas of Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages (PSOL), based on data from an exploratory study. This study was carried out under the theoretical framework of Terminology (CABRÉ, 1999; FREIXA, 2002; KRIEGER; FINATTO, 2004; FERNÁNDEZ-SILVA, 2011, among others), while Corpus Linguistics was the methodology used to collect data and perform the analysis. Through this exploratory study, we identified a range of specialized phraseological units used to designate PSOL area and its potential subareas, as well as a significant terminological variation (both formal and conceptual). The data and reflections presented in this paper indicate topics to be investigated or developed in future research on PSOL designative terminology, such as formal and conceptual terminological standardization, systematization of the domain tree of this area, investigation on the motivations of formal and conceptual variations, as well as the analysis of the conceptual consequences of formal variation and the formal consequences of conceptual variation in the scope of PSOL.


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How to Cite

LISBOA, J. V. R. Initial reflections on the designative terminology of the area and subareas of Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages: an exploratory study. Revista GTLex, Uberlândia, v. 5, n. 2, p. 283–311, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/Lex9-v5n2a2020-5. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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