Characterization of the properties of amino acids using the Hasse diagram associated with the A labeling of the genetic code




Algebra, Boolean Lattices, Hamming Distance, Biology.


The application of mathematical structures in the modeling of the genetic code is something that several researchers have been carrying out, seeking to characterize mathematically what the biological world accomplishes. Of these structures, the Boolean lattices, Hasse diagrams and Hamming distance, have been used in the process of analyzing mutational phenomena, enabling a physical-chemical analysis of amino acids, in addition to allowing the algebraic characterization of the genetic code. The mathematician Claude E. Shannon was the forerunner of code theory and applied elements of engineering in biology. The constructions of this work will be through the mapping of the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine / uracil, {A, C, G, T/U} with the ring Z4={0, 1, 2, 3}, where it is possible to obtain 24 permutations, which can be divided into 3 labels (A, B and C), according to geometric characteristics. The objective of this work is to present the construction of the Boolean lattices and primal and dual, whose permutations are, respectively 0132 and 2310 of the labeling A. An analysis of the differences and physicochemical similarities of the amino acids will be carried out on these constructions, through the biological characterization of the constructions and the calculation of the averages of the Hamming distances among the codons, which can be used in the analysing mutational phenomena process.


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Author Biographies

Roberta Siqueira Fernandes, Federal University of Alfenas

Master's student in the Graduate Program in Applied Statistics and Biometrics at the Federal University of Alfenas, in the area of Applied Mathematics. Completed her undergraduate degree in Mathematics at the Federal University of Alfenas. Was part of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (Pibid) as a scholarship holder. Also, participated in the Mathematical Conversations project "of the Open University Program for the Third Age (UNATI) of UNIFAL-MG as a volunteer, and of the Teaching Laboratory in Mathematics Education project in the training of teachers as a scholarship holder.

Anderson José de Oliveira, Federal University of Alfenas

Graduated in Full Degree in Mathematics at the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, (2006). Post-graduated in Business Mathematics, (2007) and Teaching in Ead, (2008), at the University Center of the South of Minas. Master in Electrical Engineering, (2012), by UNICAMP. PhD in Electrical Engineering, (2017), by UNICAMP. He served as a professor from 2007 to 2009 at Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, where he taught subjects such as Fundamental Mathematics, Statistics Applied to HR, Differential and Integral Calculus I, Analytical Geometry, Flat and Spatial Geometry, Management Analysis Tools, Numerical Calculus, for undergraduate courses: Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, HR Management, Industrial Automation. Mathematics, Physics, Commercial Management, Information Systems. He worked as a professor of Mathematics at the Integrated Center Sesi Senai, in São Gonçalo do Sapucaí for high school, from 2008 to 2009. He is currently an effective professor at the Institute of Exact Sciences, Department of Mathematics, at the Federal University of Alfenas - UNIFAL-MG . He works with research in the area of ​​Applied Mathematics (Error Correcting Codes and Algebraic Structures Applied in Modeling the Genetic Code, Fuchsian Differential Equations and Hyperbolic Geometry Applied in the Information Transmission Process in Communication Systems).


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How to Cite

FERNANDES, R. S.; OLIVEIRA, A. J. de. Characterization of the properties of amino acids using the Hasse diagram associated with the A labeling of the genetic code. BRAZILIAN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Uberlândia, v. 2, n. 4, p. 81–100, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/BEJOM-v2-n4-2021-57416. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.



Articles - Applied Mathematics