Science and mathematics of the sun and gnomon




Science and mathematics teaching, orientation, sundials, gnomon


In this work we seek to stimulate the teaching - learning process of some basic mathematical concepts through simple observations of the world we live in. For instance those that were made even before Galileo, who aimed the first telescope at the sky more than 400 years ago and ushered in a new era for science. Experiments such as investigating the projection of the solar shadow of a gnomon, observing the direction and size of the shadow to determine the local meridian, construction of the wind rose, measurement of heights and sizes of inaccessible objects, measurement of the circumference of the earth, construction of sundials, etc. The reproduction of these experiments can motivate both teachers and students to adquire the understanding of the Earth's movements and the importance of the Sun, and its multidisciplinary character, generating a taste for the discoveries of science and mathematics. The execution of such experiments can contribute to the learning of measures, angles, distances, bisectors, parallelism, perpendicularity, circumference, triangle, similarity, rule of three, trigonometry, etc. Our purpose is in line with the skills, competences and guiding axes touted by the National Common Curricular Base as possibilities of articulation between the areas of knowledge, regarding representation, communication, research, understanding and sociocultural context.


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Author Biography

José Antonio Salvador, Federal University of São Carlos

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Federal University of São Carlos. He held representations in several collegiate, Department Head and Course Coordinator positions and in several Extension Projects. Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Mathematics Teaching in High School - Mathematics in Practice 2014-2016 and 2017-2019. Member of the board of SBMAC biennium 2014-2015. Experience in the area of ​​Applied Mathematics, with emphasis on Teaching Mathematics with Computational Tools and Mathematical Modeling, acting mainly on the following themes: New Technologies in the Teaching and Learning Process, Interdisciplinarity, Mathematical Modeling, Problem Solving in Teaching and applications in Postgraduate programs -Graduation in Teaching of Exact Sciences (PPGECE) and Profmat at UFSCar and member of the Interdisciplinary Group for Research and Teaching of Mathematics (GIPEM). Extension Project Coordinator: Demystifying Science: Doubts and Mathematical Challenges at BCo. Graduated in Mathematics at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1974) and in Astronomy at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1978). Master in Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1977). PhD in Mathematics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985). Post-doctorate from UCSD - University of California at San Diego - Department of Bioengineering. (Source: Lattes Curriculum).


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How to Cite

SALVADOR, J. A. Science and mathematics of the sun and gnomon. BRAZILIAN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Uberlândia, v. 1, n. 2, p. 63–82, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/BEJOM-v1-n2-2020-53719. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.



Articles - Applied Mathematics