Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Body painting color border
Body painting color border

The dossier "BODY PAINTING COLOR BORDER” reflects on the persistent vitality of contemporary painting, highlighting its expansion and dialogue with other forms of expression in the visual arts. Originated at the II International Painting Colloquium, it addresses the intersections between body, color and border, promoting a constellation of reflections. This dossier examines painting as a driving force, crossing geographical, political and technological borders. The texts highlight the constant metamorphosis of painting in the face of political, economic and technological challenges, highlighting its relevance in contemporary arts. By exploring image migrations, the dossier addresses questions that challenge categories of thought, encouraging a broad dialogue on contemporary artistic practices.


Éliane Chiron, «Loisirs de la vie moderne», colagem de imagens digitais, impressão jato de tinta sobre papel  (53x40 cm), 2015.

Dossier Body Painting Color Border

Éliane Chiron
Painting body color frontier
PDF (Français (Canada))
Cécile Croce
Art in the face of image populations: Marilyn, Paper Woman, Chelsea
PDF (Français (Canada))
Elissar Kanso
The fight with pathosformel and form of « survival » d’affect between image, figure, peinture and bodies of artist
PDF (Français (Canada))
Hervé Penhoat
The Moments
PDF (Français (Canada))
Carmen Herrera Nolorve
Portrait of a body,: is there a color to represent identity?
PDF (Français (Canada))
Bernard Lafargue
Black: from the Carré, sublime and Siberian, from Malevitch to the Afro-American figures, pop and hot, from Kerry Jammes Marshall
PDF (Français (Canada))
Cécile Croce
The Artwork as meta-body
PDF (Français (Canada))
Icleia Borsa Cattani
Medusa in red and black: Éliane Chiron’s “numerical painting
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Marco Giannotti
The body of color
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Karina Sousa
Between layers and colors: : the process of meaning in Folia de Reis
PDF (Português (Brasil))
Marco Paulo Rolla
The Multi Indisciplinary Artist!
PDF (Português (Brasil))