Mapping Pinus spp. Forestry and Land Cover Classes Using High-resolution PlanetScope Satellite Data: Experimenting Images from Different Seasons and Machine Learning Methods

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Andressa Kossmann Ferla
Fabio Marcelo Breunig
Rafaelo Balbinot
Ricardo Dal'Agnol da Silva


The Remote Sensing and machine learning techniques are cost-effective ways of mapping land use and cover, especially forestry areas. This is essential for the management and planning of such resources. The purpose of this study was to identify which classifier (Random Forest or Support Vector Machine) reach the best accuracy in land use and cover classification and determine which is the best season of year for Pinus spp. forest mapping. PlanetScope multispectral image was used with 3.7 m of spatial resolution, collected over the coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul state. The input variables for the classifiers were the four spectral bands: RGB and NIR, and the NDVI vegetation index. In both classifiers, high accuracy values were obtained, as well as for all seasons of the year.


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Sensoriamento Remoto

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FERLA, Andressa Kossmann; BREUNIG, Fabio Marcelo; BALBINOT, Rafaelo; SILVA, Ricardo Dal'Agnol da. Mapping Pinus spp. Forestry and Land Cover Classes Using High-resolution PlanetScope Satellite Data: Experimenting Images from Different Seasons and Machine Learning Methods. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, [S. l.], v. 75, 2023. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv75n0a-67769. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.


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