About the Journal

Olhares & Trilhas is a multidisciplinary journal, edited in annual volumes composed by three issues, published separately in the months of April, August and December and made available only through the Internet. The numbers may or may not present thematic. All issues will be organized and edited under the responsibility of the Thief Editor and the Editorial Board and will consist of articles, essays, reviews, retrospectives, interviews, galleries and other productions of teachers and researchers addressing issues in the various sub-areas of Education, Teaching. When the numbers are thematic, they will also have the academic follow-up of the proponent (s) of the theme. Proposals for thematic issues will be at the responsibility of the members of the Editorial Board and the Scientific Committee. Proposals submitted, according to the schedule stipulated by the Director in the call for proposals, should be evaluated and approved by the Board of Directors of the Journal and by the Editorial Board. The approved proposals should contain menus to be made available to the members of the Scientific Committee, so that they can analyze / evaluate the pertinence of the works in relation to the thematic number to be published. The themes published by Olhares & Trilhas are those related to the different levels of performance of the researcher: early childhood education, elementary school, middle school, technical education, EJA (Youth and Adult Education), undergraduate, distance learning and postgraduated- which are directly linked to research and / or the presentation of results of research aimed at improving the quality of education and which contribute to reflections and debates on topics of interest to Education. All papers to be submitted for publication must be unpublished, including reviews, and will be sent to internal and external reviewers. Papers will be accepted in Portuguese and in modern foreign languages ​​( English and Italian).


Chamada para submissão de trabalhos para o Dossiê temático: Corpo, Educação e Práticas Pedagógicas: múltiplas experiências na/da/para a Educação Básica


A Revista Olhares & Trilhas faz saber que foi aprovada a proposta do Dossiê temático Corpo, Educação e Práticas Pedagógicas: múltiplas experiências na/da/para a Educação Básica, cuja previsão de publicação é segundo semestre de 2025, contemplando o v. 27, n. 2 da Revista Olhares & Trilhas (ISSN: 1983-3857, Qualis A4).

As submissões para o volume temático terão início em novembro de 2024 e serão finalizadas em maio de 2025.

A diretrizes para submissão de artigos podem ser encontradas em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/olharesetrilhas/about/submissions.

A página de estilo para elaboração do texto está disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/olharesetrilhas/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/727.

Read more about Chamada para submissão de trabalhos para o Dossiê temático: Corpo, Educação e Práticas Pedagógicas: múltiplas experiências na/da/para a Educação Básica

Current Issue

Vol. 27 No. 1 (2025): Número atemático
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ISSN: 1983.3857

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14393/OT