Phonetic Variation in Libras Hand Configurations in the Light of Johnson and Liddell's (2011, 2012) Transcription System
Libras, Variation, Phonetics, Transcription, Hand configurationAbstract
In Stokoe's (1960) hand configuration notation system, this parameter is primarily described in perceptual terms and represented by holistic symbols. In Liddell and Johnson’s (1989) system, by contrast, we have the first steps towards an articulatory and componential analysis of hand configurations through the representation of thumb positions separately from the other fingers, still treated as a phonological unit. In the most recent version of the system, however, the articulatory independence of each finger is recognized, and resources are offered to indicate the status of each of their joints (JOHNSON; LIDDELL, 2011, 2012). This article reports on the results of the analysis of variation in one of the B-hand configuration variants in productions of 44 Libras signs. These productions were selected from Xavier and Barbosa’s (2014) corpus, composed of 60 signs by 12 deaf signers, 6 men and 6 women, from the state of São Paulo. Our results show the occurrence of between and within-subject variation, as well as articulatory stability of some of the features that characterize the variant analyzed across its different renderings.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Elisane Conceição Alecrim, André Nogueira Xavier (Autor)

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