Rilke: um "francês" entre os franceses
Rainer Maria Rilke; Friedrich Nietzsche; Symbolism; Stéphane Mallarmé; Charles Baudelaire.Abstract
Rainer Maria Rilke is one of the German poets with great reception in Brazil, and one whose work has been broadly translated, although not integrally. Much was said about his relation as Rodin's apprentice and, as a result, about his thing-poem. The importance of French symbolist poetry throughout Rilke's production, however, lacks a careful analysis, especially when it comes from Friedrich Nietzche's philosophy, whose work influenced Rilke to write many of his poems. It is, then, intended here, after the analysis of some selected poems, to justify why Rilke should be considered a 'French man' between the Frenches.
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Artigos de periódicos
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Artigo e/ou matéria de jornal, revista
BRANCO, M. I. R. Desvios e Simbolismos em Rainer Maria Rilke. 2007. Disponível em:
<> (último acesso: 13/07/2019)
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