Retextualization in teaching-APPrenticeship

investigating the hypertext-hypertext category on Instagram




Digital speech genre, Retextualization, Hypertext, Instagram


Retextualization is the production of a new text based on a previous text (or a set of them), being observed in everyday activities or for teaching-learning purposes. Marcuschi (2010a) presents four types of retextualization, in the speech-writing continuum. This article focuses on the hypertext-hypertext category of the retextualization activity. To this end, were analyzed procedural data from a hypertextual retextualization, collected while two high school students jointly elaborated Instagram posts. The data were captured on video and audio and later transcribed. Thus, the corpus consists of: (i) transcription of the dialogue between the pair during the retextualization; (ii) transcription of an audio-recorded semi-structured interview with the students; (iii) two Instagram posts made by the pupils. Through the data, the composition process of the hypertexts was rebuilt, by describing the seven retextualization production tasks, proposed by Dell'Isola (2007). The investigation indicated that the hypertext-hypertext category presents peculiarities in its conception and production process. Therefore, it is necessary to approach hypertextual retextualization differently, which justifies a fifth typification of retextualization, in addition to the four types presented by Marcuschi (2010a).


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Author Biographies

Marina Martins Pinchemel-Amorim, UESB

Doutoranda em Linguística (UESB).

Márcia Helena de Melo Pereira, UESB

She holds a doctorate in Applied Linguistics from the State University of Campinas, where she also took a master's degree in Applied Linguistics. Currently, she is an adjunct professor in the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies at the State University of Southwest Bahia and professor of the permanent staff of the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics (PPGLin-UESB), Vitória da Conquista campus, working in the Linguistics area of Text. He currently develops a research project on the text construction process, text genesis, the relationship between individual style and gender style, genetic criticism, authorship and text teaching.


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How to Cite

PINCHEMEL-AMORIM, M. M.; MELO PEREIRA, M. H. de. Retextualization in teaching-APPrenticeship: investigating the hypertext-hypertext category on Instagram. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 18, p. e1801, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/DLv18a2024-1. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.