Diachronic and diatopic analysis of the use of the definite article before anthroponyms
Bahia and São Paulo in the 19th and 20th centuries
Historical Linguistics, Dialectology, Anthroponyms, OnomasticsAbstract
In Brazilian Portuguese, personal names can be used without the definite article, as in "Ø Maria viajou," or with the presence of this determinant, as in "A Maria viajou”. This variable phenomenon distinguishes some dialects of Brazilian Portuguese (Callou e Silva, 1997). Based on Macedo-Costa (2016), it is possible to perceive that, in the Bahian variety of the 19th century, the presence of the determinant was employed in a proportion like that of European Portuguese of the 18th century rather than that of the 19th century. Considering that, in the data of Callou e Silva (1997), São Paulo presented the highest proportion of determinant usage before anthroponyms compared to other capitals that compose the NURC Project, it is questioned whether this expressive usage also occurred in this dialect in the 19th century, or was similar to the data of the Bahian variety in the same period. The objective of this research is to compare the use of the definite article before personal names between the Bahian and São Paulo varieties of the 19th and 20th centuries based on a sample of 15 theatrical pieces written by authors born in Bahia and São Paulo in the 19th and 20th centuries. The results obtained from the R platform (R Core Team, 2023) suggest there are dialectal and diachronic differences between these two varieties regarding the referentiality of the anthroponym.
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