Local Equipotential Reference Surface Evaluation (W_0SP) in the São Paulo State

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Fabio Luiz Albarici
Gabriel do Nascimento Guimarães
Jorge Luiz Alves Trabanco
Marcelo Santos


The understanding, study and updating of the local equipotential reference surface , is of fundamental importance in the height system of a country. This surface may be integrated into the overall system, as per the resolution of the IAG, where the realization of the reference system shall refer to a unified global reference level (). This paper proposes the calculation of this surface through the oceanographic approach, using gravimetric observations, sea level measurements and GNSS/leveling data. In determining  and SST (Sea Surface Topography)  was also calculated. Numerical tests, using the  value for the São Paulo state, indicate that the discrepancy of the geopotential number and normal height, when analyzed in relation to the values provided by the IBGE, has a standard deviation of  and . Thus, we can say that the results are reliable and consistent, keeping close to the BGS.


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How to Cite
ALBARICI, F. L.; GUIMARÃES, G. do N.; TRABANCO , J. L. A.; SANTOS , M. Local Equipotential Reference Surface Evaluation (W_0SP) in the São Paulo State. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 73, n. 2, p. 542–555, 2021. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv73n2-53395. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistabrasileiracartografia/article/view/53395. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.
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