A Wicked Fairy Godmother
The Residual Building of the Other Mother in Coraline, by Neil Gaiman
Witch, Fairy stories, Coraline, Neil Gaiman, Residuality TheoryAbstract
The witch is the most common villain in fairy stories due to her deceitful powers and her urge to tormenting helpless children. However, her character-building shows more similarities between her and her allegedly benevolent counterparts, the fairies. This article applies key concepts from the Residuality Theory to establish such tension by analyzing the mysterious other mother, also known as beldam, the antagonistic character from the novel Coraline, by Neil Gaiman. By placing such character under the lenses of residual analysis, the imagery used in the making of the witch can be seen as a strategy to maintaining patriarchal mentalities, only perceptible in the light of critical reading.
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