From Heaven to Hell
Lesbian Formation in The Well of Loneliness, by Radclyffe Hall
Radclyffe Hall, The Well of Loneliness, Transgression, LesbianismAbstract
In this paper, I analyze The Well of Loneliness (1928), by Radclyffe Hall (1880-1943), building on its publication context and the narrative construction of the protagonist Stephen in relation to lesbianism. Considering that Stephen transgresses the impositions of the sexual roles of female socialization, I approach the theories developed by Simone de Beauvoir (1949) and, later, Monique Wittig (1980), among others. Having the possibility of what Virginia Woolf (1928) characterizes as “a room of one’s own”, Stephen stands out as a writer, but still goes through conflicts about her sexuality due to the conservative discourses of family, medicine, and religion, all of which affect her and prevent her from having a full lesbian existence.
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