Anaphoric Reference Processes in Brazilian Sign Language and Translations
Representation of the Object of Discourse in Various Semioses
Referencing, Libras, Reference processes, Anaphora, Objects of discourseAbstract
In this article, we carried out a referential analysis of anaphoric expressions in Brazilian Sign Language and their Brazilian Portuguese translations for a video interview (TV INES). Our goal is to show that as the objects of discourse (MONDADA; DUBOIS, 2003) are intrinsic to text/discourse production, they do not necessarily need to be expressed by linguistic elements or written/spoken modality, i.e., they can manifest themselves in various modalities. Based on authors such as Quadros (2012) and partial analyses on platforms for cataloguing scientific articles, we identified gaps such as the investigation of anaphoric reference processes in Libras and few studies in Textual Linguistics that focus on referencing processes, especially regarding anaphoric resumptions in Libras. We drew on Textual Linguistics and Libras Linguistics, including authors such as: Cavalcante, Custódio Filho and Brito (2014), Quadros (2019), Gesser (2009), and Santana and Bergamo (2005).
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