Letters in war times
Mail exchange between Stefan Zweig and Sigmund Freud
Letter, Exile, Freud, War, ZweigAbstract
In this article I analyze part of the mail exchange between the writer Stefan Zweig and the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, focusing on the themes of literature, psychoanalysis, exile, anti-Semitism, and war. The friendship between these two German-speaking intellectuals comprises the period from 1908 to 1939, the year of Freud's death. These letters were taken from the Spanish book Correspondencia con Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke y Arthur Schnitzler (2004), which is a version of the original in German Briefwechsel mit Hermann Bahr, Sigmund Freud, Rainer Maria Rilke und Arthur Schnitzler (1987).Downloads
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