Preparation for academic mobility
plurilingual practices in training for oral comprehension in French at the Polytechnic School of USP
Internationalization, Multilingualism, Translanguaging, Academic mobility, FAPAbstract
At the University of São Paulo (USP), the French language holds a significant position in the process of internationalization due to numerous agreements with French Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the substantial number of students sent to France (Traldi; Medeiros; Martins, 2023). This work is situated within this context, focusing on the issue of listening comprehension (LC) in French for Academic Purposes (FAP) in the field of Engineering, with the aim of preparing students from USP’s Polytechnic School for integration into French HEIs. The theoretical framework is based on studies related to internationalization (Knight, 2003; 2005; 2020; 2011; De Wit, 2013), multilingualism and translanguaging (Beacco; Byram, 2003; Garcia; Wei, 2014), listening comprehension (Lhote, 1995; Cornaire, 1998; Rost, 2011; Oxford, 1993; Field, 2008, Vandergrift; Goh, 2009) and FAP (Mangiante; Parpette, 2011). The objectives were (i) to identify practices employed by students in preparation for mobility when listening for comprehension and (ii) to analyze the effects of sensitization to the use of facilitative comprehension resources, particularly regarding the development of listening behavior through translanguaging practices. The contributions of this work are associated with linguistic and sociocultural preparation for mobility, demonstrating the relevance of considering didactic-methodological practices concerning the teaching and learning of LC in the development of FAP courses, as well as the potential of awareness of strategies aimed at the (re)construction and transposition of listening behavior in a foreign language, fostering the listener’s autonomy in auditory reception situations.
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