AI and algorithmic curation in digital media platforms
the end of discursive performativity?
Algorithmic curation, Artificial Intelligence, Performativity, Instagram, Digital mediaAbstract
In this paper, we aim to understand the discursive dynamics of AI on platforms such as Instagram in order to describe both the semiotic-discursive strategies and the performativity in digital media. We assume that there is a logic of hyper-individualization established by an algorithmic curation present in this social media. Methodologically, we carried out a comparative analysis of the discursive formations of 120 multisemiotic frames from personal and professional accounts, based on four categories: thematic continuity, topical articulation, individualized segmentation and enunciative progression. We were interested in analyzing how this curation promotes standardized reading paths, predetermined by AIs present in the platforms, in addition to characterizing how discursive performativity in digital media is subverted by it. Starting from a theoretical discussion on performativity, feedback and information, from the point of view of Austinian’ philosophy and cybernetic epistemology, we realize that digital information technologies, with their AI and algorithms, force them to establish themselves as consumers and to hyper-individualize their discursive production and performativity.
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