Multimodal text and plurisemiotic text
conceptual contours
Mode, Multimodality, Plurisemioticity, Semiosis, TextAbstract
In the current context of Brazilian Textual Linguistics (TL), we observe the variable use of the terms "multimodal text" and "plurisemiotic text". Thus, we argue that, although both terms point to the same empirical data (an entity of hybrid materiality) theoretically, they circumscribe different concepts. We aim, therefore, to draw a minimal conceptual contour of these terms and discuss their respective theoretical and methodological developments. To do so, we traced the genesis of the terms to identify the theoretical frameworks in which they appear. In the framework of multimodality approaches, the multimodal text is a semiotic instance mobilizing a multiplicity of modes in a communicative situation. This concept of text, based on mode, is imported to TL. Plurisemioticity appears in discourse studies as a discursive activity characterized by contact between semiotic systems, but we do not find plurisemiotic text as a concept. Based on sign and sense, we propose a concept of plurisemiotic text in the ways of Eugenio Coseriu's TL.
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