The Construction of the Identities of the character Marji in the comic Persépolis
Identity, Beliefs, Attitudes, PersépolisAbstract
The present study, based on Labovian Sociolinguistics (Labov, 2008), on the Beliefs and Attitudes of social psychologists Lambert and Lambert (1972), and linguist Moreno Fernández (1998), as well as on notions of identity according to Bordieu (1977), Mendoza-Denton (2002), Bonnewitz (2003), Hall (2006), Kiesling (2013), Battisti (2014), and Oushiro (2019), aims to analyze how coexistence with different social groups reflects on the construction of identity, linguistic beliefs, and attitudes of Marji, the main character in the Comic Book (HQ): Persepolis. The choice of this story for the present study is justified by its historical importance regarding the role of women in some Middle Eastern communities and because it is the first autobiographical comic book written by an Iranian woman. It is narrated from Marji's perspective and discusses the imposition of Islamism in Iran. In this descriptive and interpretative research (Moita Lopes, 1994), we also aim to a) expose some social, historical, and political aspects narrated in the comic book Persepolis; b) verify, based on the protagonist Marji's accounts, some impositions on Iranian women. Through the analysis, it was possible, in general, to observe how the beliefs and attitudes of the protagonist influenced the construction of her identities according to her participation in different communities inside and outside of Iran.
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