Modeling verb valency in a computational grammar for Portuguese in the HPSG formalism




Computational linguistics, Grammar engineering, Syntactic parsing, Valence, Computational semantics


HPSG is a lexicalist grammatical theory that proposes the parallel formalization of morphosyntactic and semantic structures. This work describes the computational implementation of verbal valences in a new Portuguese grammar in this formalism. This grammar is relevant not only for text understanding applications, but also represents a contribution to the formal documentation of the structures of the language, standing out for its treatment of control and raising constructions. The grammar has been incrementally implemented through its application to increasingly comprehensive test suites. With 278 entries and a total of 215 lemmas, the verb lexicon is still small. However, the proposed type hierarchy models the properties of 118 valence classes, of which 57 are types that encode  verb classes. The grammar analyzes 94% of a total of 581 grammatical sentences, while showing low hypergeneration in a set of 167 ungrammatical examples.


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Author Biographies

Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar, Universidade Federal do Ceará

Professor Associado do Departamento de Letras Estrangeiras e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Pesquisador colaborador do Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering, and Systems (GREat), do Departamento de Computação da UFC. Doutor e pós-doutor em Linguística pela Universität Konstanz, Alemanha.

Alexandre Rademaker, Escola de Matemática Aplicada da FGV e IBM Research

Alexandre has a doctorate in Computer Science from PUC-Rio (2010). He is a research scientist in IBM Research (Brazil Lab) and adjunct professor at the Applied Mathematics Department from Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). He has written more than 90 papers published in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences in his areas of expertise: logic, proof theory, knowledge representation and reasoning, language resources, computational linguistics, and type theory. He participates as a member of many program committees of regular conferences like ACL, COLING, LREC, and others. He is also a board member of the Global WordNet Association and coordinated the CE-PLN between 2017-219. Alexandre collaborates on maintaining many language resources and developing applications using these resources for ‘deep’ linguistic processing of human languages.

During his Ph.D., Alexandre was an international fellow at Microsoft Research and SRI International. At MSR, in 2008, he worked with the Z3 SMT Solver team (Leonardo de Moura and Nikolaj Bjørner) developing a distributed environment for testing and optimizations of Z3. At SRI International, in 2009, he worked under the supervision of Natarajan Shankar. Alexandre participated in several research projects like MIST (using natural language processing and description logics for Knowledge modeling), ANUBIS (database consistency check) and Ontology and Context (investigating the problem of ontology alignment). In his thesis, we proposed new deduction systems for description logics under the supervision of Edward Hermann Haeusler, published by Springer with the title A proof theory for Description Logics in 2012 in the Springer Briefs series.


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How to Cite

ALENCAR, L. F. de; RADEMAKER, A. Modeling verb valency in a computational grammar for Portuguese in the HPSG formalism. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 16, n. 4, p. 1339–1400, 2022. DOI: 10.14393/DL52-v16n4a2022-6. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.