Translation, creation and poetry
unveiling challenges of the translation process from Portuguese into Brazilian Sign Language
Translation, Brazilian Sign Language, Portuguese, Poetry, TranscriationAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the translation process of poetic texts from the Portuguese Language (LP) to the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). In Brazilian deaf communities, both classical and literary poetic texts do not yet have widespread circulation, limiting deaf people to access to universal cultural productions. In this sense, the translation of artistic texts, especially poetic ones, poses challenges from the linguistic and discursive point of view by the material specificities of the languages involved in the translation process (one of oral/ auditory/written modality and another of visual/gestural/spatial modality) and by characteristics of these texts produced from these genres. Based on the theory of transcription constructed by Haroldo de Campos, we analyze the translation process of the poem "Deficiency", by Alexandre Filordi de Carvalho, from written in Portuguese into Libras, with recording and circulation in a scientific event. It is a contemporary poetry whose meaning relation focuses on the reflection between deficiency/efficiency present in the human condition.Downloads
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