Call for Papers

Dear authors, we are already accepting texts for the 2025 edition of Domínios de Lingu@gem. We remind you that since 2023 the journal only has one annual volume (and is no longer available by issue). We will have 2 thematic sections.

Texts for the thematic sections will be received until June/2025. Texts for these sections must be submitted directly to each section (instead of Article section).


Academic Literacies: research and practices around the teaching and learning of writing at school and university

Anderson Carnin (Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Brasil) 

Márcia Mendonça (Universidade Estadual de Campinas - Brasil)

Gabriela Gómez Vera (Universidad de O'Higgins - Chile)

The aim of this dossier is to bring together research dedicated to reflecting on issues related to the teaching and learning of so-called academic writing, whether in the context of basic education or higher education, from the perspective of sociocultural and socioanthropological literacy studies. It assumes, as premises, (i) the concept that teaching and learning academic genres, as well as producing texts in these genres, is not a simple task, either from the teacher's perspective or, especially, from the learners' perspective; (ii) it is not only in the university context that academic literacies are produced, circulated or experienced; (iii) the insertion of learners into social practices that demand and house academic genres takes place in different ways and is impacted by power relations, beliefs and ways of doing things consolidated in each community; (iv) the use of digital technologies, generative or not, in written production brings challenges to this scenario that are still little known and understood. In the hope of discussing practices and empirical research carried out in the fields of Linguistics and/or Applied Linguistics which have as their central axis the reflection on the development of multiple academic literacies, the following questions are chosen as central inquiries: (a) what experiences of teaching writing and academic genres are prioritized in school and/or higher education contexts? (b) what roles and meanings are experienced by learners in these experiences, considering the multiple social practices in which they are involved; (c) what roles do teachers play in this teaching and how can their actions be described and/or analyzed; (d) in what way(s) are learners' (previous and current) experiences taken into account in the teaching and learning process; (e) what resources are being used to promote learners' academic acculturation, especially in the transition between basic education and higher education? and, finally, (f) what questions remain open in the context of research into academic literacies, especially when we consider the demands for inclusion and equity in teaching and learning processes at school and/or university and the dissemination of apps and platforms that promise to teach writing and evaluate textual productions? In the light of these questions, the organization of this dossier is expected to bring together and make public the experiences and reflections produced by different researchers, Brazilian and/or foreign, involved in academic-scientific actions to produce and disseminate knowledge about the teaching of academic writing in its social, textual and discursive dimensions, with a view to broadening the debate on ways of understanding the literacy practices and events involved in the production of meanings related to writing and contemporary academic culture.