Fact and fiction in English and German learner’s dictionaries





English learner’s dictionaries, German learner’s dictionaries, Syllabus, Foreign language teaching and learning, Language in use


According to metalexicographic theory, pedagogical dictionaries are concerned with language teaching and learning. It means that it is impossible to dissociate these lexicographic tools from syllabi. The aim of this paper is to assess if a specific kind of pedagogical dictionaries, the learner’s dictionaries of a foreign language, are in fact related to some syllabus. Furthermore, we analyse how learner’s dictionaries describe their target language. We assess an English learner’s dictionary and a German learner’s dictionary (a Lernerwörterbuch). We chose these languages by reason of two factors. Firstly, there are guidelines for both languages about their teaching and learning (such as English Profile (2011) and Profile Deutsch (2005)). Secondly, English and German traditions have archetypes of learner’s dictionaries. The results obtained demonstrate that the lack of specific lexical resources related to each reference level doesn’t permit to take advantage from the guidelines for compiling learner’s dictionaries. The dictionaries we analyzed reflect indeed the language in use, but they are not related to any guidelines for English and German language teaching and learning.



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How to Cite

BORBA, Laura Campos de; BUGUEÑO MIRANDA, Félix. Fact and fiction in English and German learner’s dictionaries. Domínios de Lingu@gem, Uberlândia, v. 12, n. 4, p. 2165–2203, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/DL36-v12n4a2018-10. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/dominiosdelinguagem/article/view/41565. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.

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