“Pesquisas e desafios da Teoria Histórico-Cultural na Escola”

Published: 2022-11-29

Developmental Learning Theory (DLT): an interview with Bronislav Alexandrovich Zeltserman

Bronislav Alexandrovich Zeltserman, Roberto Valdés Puentes, Andréa Maturano Longarezi


Developmental Learning Theory (DLT): a dialogue with Gloria Fariñas León about P. Ya. Galperin

Gloria Fariñas León, Isauro Beltrán Núñez, Olga Carla Espínola da Hora e Souza, Luiz Fernando Pereira


“I'm going to make a poem!”: analysis of a teaching case from the perspective of cultural-historical theory

Heloisa Aparecida Candido Miquelino, Maria Estely Rodrigues Teles, Jarina Rodrigues Fernandes
