Sociedade & Natureza

Current Issue

Vol. 36 No. 1 (2024)
Published November 27, 2023

SOCIEDADE & NATUREZA Journal is published by the Instituto de Geografia of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, being a vehicle for recording and scientific dissemination, its objectives are: publish unpublished critical review works on a topic pertinent to Geography and related areas or the result of research of an empirical nature, experimental or conceptual; encourage the exchange of experience in their specialty with other institutions, national or foreign, that maintain similar publications; defend and respect the principles of pluralism of philosophical, political and scientific ideas.

There are no costs for authors regarding the submission and publication of articles (article processing charges (APCs) / article submission charges).


Maycon Jorge Ulisses Saraiva Farinha, André Geraldo Berezuk, Luciana Virginia Mario Bernardo, Adelsom Soares Filho
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land Use in Mato Grosso do Sul from 1988 to 2018 and Payments for Ecosystem Services
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Alisson Flávio Barbieri
Cities and the Demo-Climatic Transition in Brazil
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João Henrique Santana Stacciarini
Drug advertising in Brazil
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Matheus Domingos Andrade de Sá, Tiago Borges Ribeiro Gandra, Miguel da Guia Albuquerque, Davis Pereira de Paula, Marcelo de Oliveira Soares, Eduardo Lacerda Barros, Renan Gonçalves Pinheiro Guerra, Melvin Moura Leisner, Jade Moreira
Multicriteria Model for Prospective Locations for Sediment Dump Sites Coastal Dunes Management: Case Study from Barroquinha City, Northeast Brazil
PDF - en
Camilah Antunes Zappes, Samanta Chisté de Araujo, Ana Paula Madeira Di Beneditto, Carlos Eduardo Novo Gatts, Sérgio Carvalho Moreira, Camila Domit, Renata Montalvão Gama
Overlapping Areas Used for Artisanal Fishing and Populations of Franciscana Dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
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Jefferson Gomes Confessor, Lara Luiza Silva, Natália Aparecida Rodrigues Lima, Anna Beatriz Pereira dos Santos
Hydraulic Dynamics of the Riparian Soil in the Chapadão do Diamante - Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais
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Karen Cristine de Albuquerque Ferreira Pereira, Raqueli Teresinha França, Jackson Fabio Preuss
Impact of the BR-282 highway on the mortality of wild felids in the extreme west of Santa Catarina, Brazil: threat to conservation
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Helga Midori Iwamoto, Viviane de Araújo Leal, Airton Cardoso Cançado
Jalapão Mosaic: Perspectives and Challenges for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Lucyla Silva Soria, Vagner Paz Mengue, Fernando Comerlato Scottá
Geographic analysis of the distribution of surface temperature, vegetation cover and its relationship with socioeconomic indicators – Cuiabá/MT
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Mauricio Aquilante Policarpo, Rita de Cassia Martins de Souza
Function and Form in Territorial Planning: The Case of Lens in the Mining Basin in Nord and Pas-de-Calais – France
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Luiz Francisco Loureiro, Lísley Pereira Lemos, Caetano Franco, Carlos Frederico Alves de Vasconcelos-Neto, João Valsecchi
Traditional Territory in a Protected Area: Territorial Dynamics and Wildlife Management in the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil
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Adeliane Vieira de Oliveira, Alexandra Maria de Oliveira
Agroecology in Field Education in Ceará, Brazil
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Virginia Corrêa Santos de Andrade, Gelze Serrat de Souza Campos Rodrigues
Analysis of the Formulation of the National Biofuels Policy - Renovabio: the Territorial, the Political and the Economic
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Maria Rita Raimundo Almeida, Fernanda Aparecida Veronez, Anne Caroline Malvestio
Unraveling Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioners in Brazil: Profile, Education and Perception of EIA Practice among CBAI Participants
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Airton Janes da Silva Siqueira, Muryllo dos Santos Nascimento, Suely Silva Santos, Anderson Guzzi, Solano de Souza Braga
Touristic activity and disturbances over Nearctic migratory birds oin the coast of Piauí State, Brazil
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Walef Pena Guedes, Cibele Roberta Sugahara, Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira, Mariana Inês Paludi
COVID-19 in Brazil: A Look at Gender in Mortality in 2020 and 2021
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Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Morais, Carlos Moreira de Souza Júnior, Jocimara Britto Souza Lobão, Carlos Alessandre Domingos Lentini
The Role of The State in Diversifying and Expanding the Brazilian Energy Matrix: an Analysis of Legislation
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Iara Rafaela Gomes
Family farming in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (RMF), Ceará
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Ana Paula Camargo de Vicente, Karla Maria Silva de Faria, Klebber Teodomiro Martins Formiga
Models and Values of Fees and Incentives for Financing Sustainable Urban Drainage
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Juliana Silva Abreu, Laura Helena de Oliveira Côrtes, Camilah Antunes Zappes
Critical Points Concerning Artisanal Fishing: an Analysis from the Perspective of Artisanal Fishers in Southeastern Brazil
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Renan Felinto de Farias Aires, Camila Cristina Rodrigues Salgado
A TOPSIS-Based Multicriteria Approach for Reservoir Assessment
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Tiago Estevam Gonçalves, José Borzacchiello da Silva, Enos Feitosa de Araújo
From Urbanization to Metropolization: A Conceptual Approach
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Valquíria do Nascimento Tavares, Inaldo Jerfson Sobreira da Silva, Fernando Cartaxo Rolim Neto, Roberto da Boa Viagem Parahyba, Rômulo Simões Cezar Menezes, Marcus Metri Correa, Maria o Socorro Bezerra de Araújo
Influence of Vinasse and Mechanized Harvesting on the Physical and Chemical Aspects of Soil in Paudalho Municipality - PE
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Daniela Forgiarini da Silva, Tatiana Silva da Silva, Luciana Slomp Esteves, Giuliana Andréia Sfreddo
The Dunes Contribution to the Ecosystem Service of Coastal Protection on the Northern Coast of RS
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Letícia Silva Bastos, Flávia Luciane Consoni, Fernando Campos Mesquita
Growth and productive sophistication of Minas Artisanal Cheese from Canastra: an analysis based on innovative processes in natural resources
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Henrique Amorim Machado, Patrícia Soares Rezende, Alcione Rodrigues Milagres, Vinícius Nunes de Lima Gabriel, Fabricio Cunha Fonseca
Meta-Analysis of Scientific Production on Soils in the Municipalities of the Triângulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba in the Last 30 Years
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Saniel Carlos dos Santos, Higor Costa de Brito, Iana Alexandra Alves Rufino, Stoécio Malta Ferreira Maia
Changes in Soil Organic Carbon Stocks Due to Land Use Changes in the Extended São Francisco River Basin
Nelson Granados Moratta, Christian Luiz da Silva, Alain Hernández Santoyo
ICMS-ecológico as a public policy instrument for the preservation of biodiversity: a study applied in small towns in Paraná, Brazil
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Juarez Antonio da Silva Júnior, Ubiratan Joaquim Da Silva Junior
Water Body Extraction Using a Sentinel-1 Scene and Artificial Neural Networks: Case Study – Carpina-PE Dam
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André Luiz Miranda Reis, Nicolo Clemente, André Luiz Lopes de Faria, Rodrigo Cupertino Bernardes, Liovando Marciano da Costa
Chemical and Physical Characterization of Swift Guano in Quartzitic Karst Landscape in Brazil
Amanda Morais Malheiro , Veronica Natalia Boeira, Guilherme Taitson Bueno, José Roberto Mantovani
Natural Determinants of the Earth-Mound Fields Distribution in the Southwest of the State of Goiás
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André Schmidt Filgueras, Tatiana Silva da Silva, Iran Carlos Stalliviere Corrêa
Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Land Use on Coastal Wetlands: Methodology Applied to Baía da Babitonga (SC)
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Diego Henrique Costa Pereira, Roberto Arnaldo Trancoso Gomes, Osmar Abílio de Carvalho Júnior, Renato Fontes Guimarães
Identification of Gold Mining Vessels based on Classification Algorithms using Sentinel-2 Images
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