Sociedade & Natureza

Current Issue

Vol. 37 No. 1 (2025)
Published December 12, 2024

SOCIEDADE & NATUREZA Journal is published by the Instituto de Geografia of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, being a vehicle for recording and scientific dissemination, its objectives are: publish unpublished critical review works on a topic pertinent to Geography and related areas or the result of research of an empirical nature, experimental or conceptual; encourage the exchange of experience in their specialty with other institutions, national or foreign, that maintain similar publications; defend and respect the principles of pluralism of philosophical, political and scientific ideas.

There are no costs for authors regarding the submission and publication of articles (article processing charges (APCs) / article submission charges).


Priscila Aparecida da Rocha Honorato, Marcos Antonio Timbó Elmiro, Marcelo Antonio Nero, Plinio da Costa Temba, Helder Lages Jardim
The Contribution of the FPEIR/TOPSIS Model in The Environmental Diagnosis of Water Security in Areas Affected by the B1 Dam, Brumadinho, MG
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Lucas da Silva Ribeiro, Lucas Krein Rademann , Luís Eduardo de Souza Robaina, Giorge Gabriel Schnorr, Romário Trentin
Analyzing the relationship between the occurrence of landslides and terrain attributes in the extreme rainfall event in southern Brazil, May 2024
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Alain Hernández Santoyo, Otávio Junio Faria Neves, Italo do Nascimento Mendonça, Marcelo Fernandes Pacheco Dias , Gabrielito Rauter Menezes
Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability in Latin American Countries: A Green GDP Approach
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Guilherme Dourado dos Reis, Rosana Icassatti Corazza
Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm): A Scoping Review on Institutionalization, Effectiveness, and Dismantling
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Ana Caroline Damasceno Souza de Sá, Lidriana Pinheiro
The Influence of Environmental Variables on the Distribution of Mangroves in Northeast Brazil
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Adriana Carolina Gamboa, William Gaida, Gabriel Baraldi Volpi, Tandara Deitos, Andressa Maiara de Almeida Machado, Fábio Marcelo Breunig, Genésio Mario da Rosa, Kauane Andressa Flach
Microplastics in Rivers of South America: An Emerging Area of Research
Joaquim Silva Fernandes, Victoria Oluwatoyin Foye, Leonildo Alves Cardoso
An Assessment of the Contributions of Ecosystem Services in Guinea-Bissau: A Case Study of Cantanhez National Park: Analise da contribuição dos serviços ecossistêmicos na Guiné-Bissau: Caso de estudo Parque nacional de Cantanhez
João Alberto Fischer Filho, Giovani Bonício Rosa, Julia Cristina Amâncio Vieira, Daniela Fernanda da Silva Fuzzo
Thornthwaite Moisture Index for the Triângulo Mineiro, Brazilian Cerrado Region, Under Climate Change
Alexandro Francisco Camargo, Romário Sampaio Basílio
Resilience and Place Identity in the Context of the Global Climate Emergency: A Comparative Study in Brazil and Portugal
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Antonio Ferreira Lima Junior, Flávia Ingrid Bezerra Paiva Gomes, Maria Elisa Zanella
The Heat Index (HI) in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará
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Maurício Polidoro, Francisco de Assis Mendonça, Daniel Canavese de Oliveira, André Baniwa, Claudia Tereza Franco, Suliete Gervásio Monteiro
Geoepidemiological Profile of Venomous Animal Incidents in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Populations in Brazil
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