The primary sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil stem from activities associated with land use and forest changes, particularly due to the clearing of native vegetation. The agricultural sector is the second largest emitter. Geographically, the Amazon region is the focal point of these emissions, and the escalating deforestation in the area led to the creation of the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Legal Amazon (PPCDAm, in Portuguese) in 2004. This article presents the results of a literature mapping focused on the PPCDAm, guided by key questions regarding the institutionalization process of the plan, its effectiveness, and its recent period of dismantling, as analyzed from the perspective of specialized literature. The methodology adheres to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) standards for Scoping Reviews (ScR). This review enabled the description and analysis of the four phases of the PPCDAm, spanning from 2004 to 2019, highlighting the effectiveness of the plan’s initial phases (2004–2012), which achieved an 84% reduction in deforestation by 2012 compared to 2004. The literature mapping revealed a gap in academic studies concerning the analysis of the fourth phase (2016–2019) and the dismantling of the plan. This phase is contextualized by Brazil's focus on mitigating climate change to meet the targets of the National Climate Change Plan for 2020, the signing of the Paris Agreement—committing to zero illegal deforestation by 2030—, and the political shifts during the Temer administration and the beginning of the Bolsonaro administration, at which point the PPCDAm was discontinued.
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