The Paraopeba River Basin, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, has been severely impacted by extreme climatic events and the 2019 Vale S.A. dam failures in Brumadinho. This study underscores the importance of integrating multi-criteria decision analysis with a conceptual model to diagnose water security in the region based on socio-environmental indicators. Employing the DPSIR methodology, socio-environmental indicators are proposed and analyzed to assess water security and to support the planning and management of water resources in the Paraopeba River Basin (BHRP). The approach combines the TOPSIS multi-criteria analysis model with the entropy weight method to rank municipalities according to their levels of water security. The analysis identified critical challenges, including population growth, industrialization, and agricultural expansion, which exacerbate water contamination. Brumadinho and Betim emerged as the most vulnerable municipalities, exhibiting high rates of waterborne diseases and inadequate wastewater treatment infrastructure. Intense industrial and agricultural activities have further heightened environmental risks, as exemplified by the dam failures. The study underscores socio-environmental pressures and highlights the importance of integrated approaches. The findings emphasize the need for robust public policies, sustainable agricultural practices, participatory management, infrastructure improvements, and climate change adaptation to ensure water security and improve quality of life.
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