The Influence of Environmental Variables on the Distribution of Mangroves in Northeast Brazil
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Mangrove forests
Salt flats
Brazilian semi-arid coast
Mangrove biogeography

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DE SÁ, Ana Caroline Damasceno Souza; PINHEIRO, Lidriana. The Influence of Environmental Variables on the Distribution of Mangroves in Northeast Brazil. Sociedade & Natureza, [S. l.], v. 37, n. 1, 2025. DOI: 10.14393/SN-v37-2025-72756. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 mar. 2025.


This research aims to spatialize mangroves and correlate them with environmental variables, exploring potential variation in the distribution of mangrove and salt flat forests in relation to areas with different rainfall patterns and drought periods within the same Brazilian region. CBERS-4A satellite images and manual vectorization of mangrove and apicum forest polygons in QGIS v. 3.10.14 software were used, as well as fieldwork. Pearson's correlation analysis, carried out using RStudio software, considered variables such as rainfall, dry months, mangrove species, fragmentation, and area size. The results indicate that variations in rainfall and the number of dry months have a strong influence on the distribution of mangroves. For example, in the Piranhas-Açu hypersaline estuary (RN), a large fragmentation of mangrove forests was observed, with 1.379 polygons mapped in an area of 2.396 ha, receiving 500 mm of annual rainfall and having 8 dry months. In the Timonha (CE) and Itarema (CE) estuaries, with 1000 mm of rain and 6 dry months, 131 and 118 polygons were identified, respectively, on 2482 and 1093 ha. In contrast, the Mamanguape River estuary (PB), with the highest annual rainfall of 1750 mm and only 3 dry months, has a distribution of 4256 ha in 24 polygons. As for the salt flats, the Piranhas-Açu (RN) has a fragmentation of 674 polygons in an area of 4858 ha and the Mamanguape River estuary (PB) has six polygons mapped in an area of 2.4 ha. The research highlights the impacts of climatic variables on the distribution of mangroves, anthropogenic interference in land use due to economic activities and the negative effects of fragmentation, underscoring the importance of conservation and proper management of these vital ecosystems.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Caroline Damasceno Souza de Sá, Lidriana Pinheiro
