Analysis of Point Cloud Registration Obtained by TLS and UAV for Multifunctional Technical Cadaster

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Enrico Moreira Gonçalves
Fabio Luiz Albarici
Henrique Candido de Oliveira
João Carlos Brandão Reberte


In the national scenario, there are few city halls that have a Multipurpose Technical Register (MTR) in fact, for several reasons, among them the lack of specialized professionals and, the main one, the lack of investment. However, some city halls have chosen to invest in the MTR as a way to improve their collection and also their territorial management, and found in the three-dimensional survey, associated with a database, as a way of accurately mapping their territory. The adoption of 3D mapping with embedded LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technology has increased in recent years. This study presents a methodology that combines LiDAR technology (on a terrestrial platform) with aerial mapping by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The objective of this study is to generate a single cloud of points using these two technologies combined and to evaluate the accuracy of this cloud of points. To evaluate the results, numerical tests were carried out to verify the precision of the point cloud and the virtual tour in comparison with the measurements taken by topographic equipment. The results indicate that the maximum discrepancy between the mapping via LiDAR and UAV cloud recording and the reference is 11 mm, which indicates that the applied methodology is accurate for use within the scope of the MTR and, therefore, can contribute to the administration municipal. With this same point cloud, it is possible to create a virtual tour to go through the mapped area, and if associated with a database, it becomes a powerful cadastral documentation tool.


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GONÇALVES, E. M.; ALBARICI, F. L.; OLIVEIRA, H. C. de; REBERTE, J. C. B. Analysis of Point Cloud Registration Obtained by TLS and UAV for Multifunctional Technical Cadaster. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia, [S. l.], v. 76, 2024. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv76n0a-70655. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.
Territorial Cadastre


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