50 years of synergy between Space Geodesy and Meteorology: from a GNSS positioning error to precipitation nowcasting applications

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Tayná Aparecida Ferreira Gouveia
João Francisco Galera Monico
Daniele Barroca Marra Alves
Luiz Fernando Sapucci
Felipe Geremia-Nievinski


The neutral atmosphere (or troposphere) causes refraction in radio frequency signals, which results in errors in Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements. In meteorology, this effect can represent important measurements of the concentration of atmospheric constituents, especially in regions where conventional high-altitude atmospheric sounding (radiosondes) cannot be performed. There are two GNSS techniques used for this. In the first one, GNSS receivers are located on terrestrial stations that provide estimates of the vertically integrated moisture content (Precipitable Water Vapor - PWV). In the second case, receivers are in space platforms, which obtains profiles of atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, known as GNSS radio occultation. These measurements have significant potential for nowcasting applications (30 minutes in advance) of extreme precipitation events (>35 mm). This paper presents a review of the state of the art in the synergy between Geodesy and Meteorology for modeling the neutral atmosphere (neutrosphere), its effect on GNSS positioning and in the estimation of atmospheric constituents, and their applications. Furthermore, it offers the improvements and new challenges developed in modeling the delay for high accuracy positioning.


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How to Cite
GOUVEIA, T. A. F. .; MONICO , J. F. G. .; ALVES, D. B. M. .; SAPUCCI, L. F. .; GEREMIA-NIEVINSKI, F. 50 years of synergy between Space Geodesy and Meteorology: from a GNSS positioning error to precipitation nowcasting applications. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, [S. l.], v. 72, p. 1509–1535, 2020. DOI: 10.14393/rbcv72nespecial50anos-56767. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistabrasileiracartografia/article/view/56767. Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.
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