"Rosa de Hiroshima"
From Poem to Song
Rosa de Hiroshima, Vinicius de Moraes, Secos & Molhados, Musicalization of poetry, Brazilian poetryAbstract
This study analyzes the musicalization process of the poem “Rosa de Hiroshima”, identifying elements which involve it as both a poem and a song. Based on bibliographical, comparative and qualitative research, it first provides a brief discussion on the specificities of these genres, followed by an analysis of the poem written by Vinicius de Moraes in 1946, published in Antologia Poética (1954), and its musicalization by Gerson Conrad, then member of the band Secos & Molhados, through the recording of the band's debut album, in 1973, and its performance at the remarkable show at Maracanãzinho in 1974. It brings considerations about the analysis of the work in these two distinct genres, reflecting on the peculiarities of each one through the work of great Brazilian artists.
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