Internationalization of Basic Education
reflections on the National Parameters through the lens of the Policy Cycle Approach
Internationalization, Parameters, Basic Education, Bi/Multilingual Education, Policy Cycle ApproachAbstract
Framed by the publication of the National Parameters for Internationalization in Basic Education in Brazil, this article aims to analyze the dynamics involved in the development of this process within the Brazilian educational system, with particular attention to language teaching and bi/multilingual education. We systematize the analysis using the Policy Cycle Approach (PCA) framework, as proposed by Bowe, Ball, and Gold (1992) and Ball (1994), through the investigation of three complementary contexts. In the context of influence, we identify aspects of the socio-historical dynamics that permeate the publication of the Parameters; in the context of text production, we explore discourses related to bilingual education present in the document; in the context of practice, we discuss some of the internationalization initiatives presented by the "Schools Around the World" application, a product launched jointly with the Parameters. Guided by a critical perspective on internationalization, which is based on the principle of cooperation in the pursuit of more responsible and socially sustainable local and global actions, we discuss the advances and contradictions that permeate the process in focus.
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